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Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2020

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The yearbook on European integration, compiled by the Institute of European Politics in Berlin, has documented the process of European integration in an up-to-date and detailed way since 1980. The result is a unique record of contemporary European history over a 40 year period. The 2020 edition of the yearbook continues this tradition. In approximately 100 contributions related to their main research subjects, the book’s authors portray the events of European politics in the period 2019–20 and inform the reader about the work of European institutions, the development of the EU’s policy areas, Europe’s role in the world and European policy in the EU’s member states and candidate countries.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Title: Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2020
The yearbook on European integration, compiled by the Institute of European Politics in Berlin, has documented the process of European integration in an up-to-date and detailed way since 1980.
The result is a unique record of contemporary European history over a 40 year period.
The 2020 edition of the yearbook continues this tradition.
In approximately 100 contributions related to their main research subjects, the book’s authors portray the events of European politics in the period 2019–20 and inform the reader about the work of European institutions, the development of the EU’s policy areas, Europe’s role in the world and European policy in the EU’s member states and candidate countries.

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