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Understanding Roman London

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This chapter reviews the theoretical and methodological approaches that have been applied to the archaeological study of Roman London. It explores the role and relevancy of inductive and hypothetico-deductive research methodologies, contrasting the research directions taken by academics and professional fieldworkers. The chapter then describes the evolution of current approaches to stratigraphic excavation, including the pioneering approaches to open-area urban excavation developed by the archaeologists of the Museum of London. Attention is then given to how relative and absolute chronologies are established, giving emphasis to the exceptional importance of both dendrochronology and pottery type-series. A brief review of the research environment concludes by questioning the relevance of ‘Romanization’ as a concept for the study of Roman London. It is explained how the goal of this study is to use the wealth of descriptive documentation now available to understand how and why London changed through time. This justifies the adoption of a more traditional approach to the use of archaeological results to reconstruct historical narrative.
Title: Understanding Roman London
This chapter reviews the theoretical and methodological approaches that have been applied to the archaeological study of Roman London.
It explores the role and relevancy of inductive and hypothetico-deductive research methodologies, contrasting the research directions taken by academics and professional fieldworkers.
The chapter then describes the evolution of current approaches to stratigraphic excavation, including the pioneering approaches to open-area urban excavation developed by the archaeologists of the Museum of London.
Attention is then given to how relative and absolute chronologies are established, giving emphasis to the exceptional importance of both dendrochronology and pottery type-series.
A brief review of the research environment concludes by questioning the relevance of ‘Romanization’ as a concept for the study of Roman London.
It is explained how the goal of this study is to use the wealth of descriptive documentation now available to understand how and why London changed through time.
This justifies the adoption of a more traditional approach to the use of archaeological results to reconstruct historical narrative.

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