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Cardio-oncology: A Focus on Cardiotoxicity

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Cardio-oncology is a recently developed field in cardiology aimed at significantly reducing cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and improving quality of life in cancer survivors. Cancer survival rates have been constantly increasing, mainly because of the advent of new, more potent and targeted therapies. However, many of the new therapies – along with some of the older chemotherapeutic regimens such as anthracyclines – are potentially cardiotoxic, which is reflected increasingly frequently in the published literature. Cardiotoxicity adversely affects prognosis in cancer patients, thus its prevention and treatment are crucial to improve quality and standards of care. This review aims to explore the existing literature relating to chemotherapy- and radiotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity. An overview of the imaging modalities for the identification of cardiotoxicity and therapies for its prevention and management is also provided.
Title: Cardio-oncology: A Focus on Cardiotoxicity
Cardio-oncology is a recently developed field in cardiology aimed at significantly reducing cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and improving quality of life in cancer survivors.
Cancer survival rates have been constantly increasing, mainly because of the advent of new, more potent and targeted therapies.
However, many of the new therapies – along with some of the older chemotherapeutic regimens such as anthracyclines – are potentially cardiotoxic, which is reflected increasingly frequently in the published literature.
Cardiotoxicity adversely affects prognosis in cancer patients, thus its prevention and treatment are crucial to improve quality and standards of care.
This review aims to explore the existing literature relating to chemotherapy- and radiotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity.
An overview of the imaging modalities for the identification of cardiotoxicity and therapies for its prevention and management is also provided.

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