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Entre menace et salut: l’eau dans l’univers théâtral de Michel de Ghelderode
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<p>The article analyses the motif of water in theatrical plays of the Belgian writer Michel de Ghelderode. It is demonstrated that in his dramatic texts the motif/image of water is not merely a background to the plot but carries some important meanings, usually oscillating between threat and salvation. The analyses proposed in the article focus on these two meanings, on the basis of four theatrical plays which most visibly emphasise them, giving water a particular place in the presented world.</p>
Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej w Lublinie
Title: Entre menace et salut: l’eau dans l’univers théâtral de Michel de Ghelderode
<p>The article analyses the motif of water in theatrical plays of the Belgian writer Michel de Ghelderode.
It is demonstrated that in his dramatic texts the motif/image of water is not merely a background to the plot but carries some important meanings, usually oscillating between threat and salvation.
The analyses proposed in the article focus on these two meanings, on the basis of four theatrical plays which most visibly emphasise them, giving water a particular place in the presented world.
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