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Coin of Delphi, struck under Hadrian with the Image of Antinous
View through Harvard Museums
Obverse: Bare head of Antinoos, r.
Reverse: Tripod with stand
Department of Ancient and Byzantine Art & Numismatics
Stacks' April 1970 Knobloch #238
M&M 52 1975 #632
Berk 128th BBS 15 Aug. 2002 lot 20
Berk 130th BBS 6 Jan. 2003 lot 779
Berk 134th BBS 8 Oct. 2003 lot 622
Harvard Art Museums/Arthur M. Sackler Museum Marian H. Phinney Fund
Title: Coin of Delphi, struck under Hadrian with the Image of Antinous
Obverse: Bare head of Antinoos, r.
Reverse: Tripod with stand.
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