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IGii2399: Evidence for Athenian Involvement in the War of Agis III

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This article presents a somewhat improved text of IG ii2399, a discussion of the development of the language associated with ransoming prisoners in the mid-late fourth century, and a new context for the activity commemorated by the decree. If the text which is argued for is accepted, it would provide new evidence for the relations between Athens and Sparta, and between Athens and Alexander, at the time of Agis III's war.
Title: IGii2399: Evidence for Athenian Involvement in the War of Agis III
This article presents a somewhat improved text of IG ii2399, a discussion of the development of the language associated with ransoming prisoners in the mid-late fourth century, and a new context for the activity commemorated by the decree.
If the text which is argued for is accepted, it would provide new evidence for the relations between Athens and Sparta, and between Athens and Alexander, at the time of Agis III's war.

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