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Towards a Theory of Oppression

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Despite the concern with oppressive systems and practices there have been few attempts to analyse the general concept of oppression. Recently, Iris Marion Young has argued that it is not possible to analyse oppression as a unitary moral category. Rather, the term ‘oppression’ refers to several distinct structures, namely, exploitation, marginalisation, powerlessness, cultural imperialism, and violence. This paper rejects Young's claim and advances a general theory of oppression. Drawing insight from American chattel slavery and the situation of the German Jews during the 1930's, I argue that to be oppressed is to be unjustly denied the opportunity for what I call ‘resilient autonomy’. I argue that all instances of oppression can usefully be analysed in these terms. I test my analysis against each of Young's five structures of oppression, concluding that in each case they are captured by my analysis.
Title: Towards a Theory of Oppression
Despite the concern with oppressive systems and practices there have been few attempts to analyse the general concept of oppression.
Recently, Iris Marion Young has argued that it is not possible to analyse oppression as a unitary moral category.
Rather, the term ‘oppression’ refers to several distinct structures, namely, exploitation, marginalisation, powerlessness, cultural imperialism, and violence.
This paper rejects Young's claim and advances a general theory of oppression.
Drawing insight from American chattel slavery and the situation of the German Jews during the 1930's, I argue that to be oppressed is to be unjustly denied the opportunity for what I call ‘resilient autonomy’.
I argue that all instances of oppression can usefully be analysed in these terms.
I test my analysis against each of Young's five structures of oppression, concluding that in each case they are captured by my analysis.

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