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Johannes de Garlandia onorganum in speciali

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The extraordinary dissemination of the Parisian repertory, resulting in its establishment in the thirteenth century as a kind of ‘Classical’ style (and later as an ars antiqua), was greatly abetted – if not made possible in the fist place – by what may have been an exclusively written mode of transmission. This is apparently the earliest body of polyphony to have been conceived, preserved and circulated entirely in writing. Equally important for the impact of the music of Paris, however, is the fact that it spawned a didactic tradition. It provided the foundation for a group of treatises that were the first to elucidate an already existing polyphonic repertory. Rather than instructing the singer how to generate polyphonic embellishments of plainchantex tempore, these theoretical texts provided him with the information he needed to transform the written symbols in the manuscript before him into sounding music consistent with the intentions of the composer (or, at least, of the scribe), and they offered guidance to theorganistawishing to create other works in a similar idiom. To be sure, these treaties did not transmit the Paris style intact.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Title: Johannes de Garlandia onorganum in speciali
The extraordinary dissemination of the Parisian repertory, resulting in its establishment in the thirteenth century as a kind of ‘Classical’ style (and later as an ars antiqua), was greatly abetted – if not made possible in the fist place – by what may have been an exclusively written mode of transmission.
This is apparently the earliest body of polyphony to have been conceived, preserved and circulated entirely in writing.
Equally important for the impact of the music of Paris, however, is the fact that it spawned a didactic tradition.
It provided the foundation for a group of treatises that were the first to elucidate an already existing polyphonic repertory.
Rather than instructing the singer how to generate polyphonic embellishments of plainchantex tempore, these theoretical texts provided him with the information he needed to transform the written symbols in the manuscript before him into sounding music consistent with the intentions of the composer (or, at least, of the scribe), and they offered guidance to theorganistawishing to create other works in a similar idiom.
To be sure, these treaties did not transmit the Paris style intact.

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