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Women in State Legislatures and State Legislative Research: Beyond Sameness and Difference
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AbstractThe literature on women in state legislatures has grown dramatically over the last few decades, examining in detail their personal characteristics, behavior, and the impact they have had on state legislatures. Highlighted throughout this body of work are the many ways in which these female officials differ from their male colleagues. While it may once have been necessary to identify and categorize women legislators, we now need to broaden our research to examine both the diversity among women state legislators and the contexts in which they may or may not make a difference. This broader focus should include analyses of state-level forces, such as legislative professionalism and state political culture, and it should also investigate more thoroughly policy outcomes and processes. Interactions between gender and other social forces, such as race, ethnicity, and class, should also be explored in greater depth. This new direction would build on the richness of the existing literature and allow the two fields of women in politics and state politics to better inform and contribute to each other.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Title: Women in State Legislatures and State Legislative Research: Beyond Sameness and Difference
AbstractThe literature on women in state legislatures has grown dramatically over the last few decades, examining in detail their personal characteristics, behavior, and the impact they have had on state legislatures.
Highlighted throughout this body of work are the many ways in which these female officials differ from their male colleagues.
While it may once have been necessary to identify and categorize women legislators, we now need to broaden our research to examine both the diversity among women state legislators and the contexts in which they may or may not make a difference.
This broader focus should include analyses of state-level forces, such as legislative professionalism and state political culture, and it should also investigate more thoroughly policy outcomes and processes.
Interactions between gender and other social forces, such as race, ethnicity, and class, should also be explored in greater depth.
This new direction would build on the richness of the existing literature and allow the two fields of women in politics and state politics to better inform and contribute to each other.
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