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Vas cearamică (corect Vas)
View through Europeana Collections
Eco-Museum Research Institute Tulcea
Related Results
Baradla-barlang, Vas Imre-oszlop
Baradla-barlang, Vas Imre-oszlop
Ferdinánd Takács's painting called 'Vas Imre-coloumn' in the Baradla Cave....
Recent Results
Performing Chineseness Overseas
Performing Chineseness Overseas
This article analyzes how the photographs of overseas Chinese performing Peking opera projected the Chinese nationalism of the Kuomintang (KMT) across Taiwan (the Republic...
Historical trauma and symptoms impacting United Arab Emirates migrant youth
Historical trauma and symptoms impacting United Arab Emirates migrant youth
This study examines perceptions of historical trauma and cultural loss among migrant students at the American University of Sharjah (AUS) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The ana...
Alamut – ob zgodbi in pripovedi,
Alamut – ob zgodbi in pripovedi,
The reader of Alamut can experience a complete reading experience thorough th e intertwining of reading for pleasure, and deep or critical reading, where in the first reading exper...