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The Concept of Knowledge in the Quran
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Significance of Knowledge The functional name of the Holy Quran is ‘huda’, the guiding light. It focuses divine light on each and every object separating thereby the right from the wrong' (al‐furqan). As this is accomplished by dint of knowledge (al‐ 'ilm). All these three guiding elements namely huda, furqan and ilm, are lined‐up by Allah, the Lord Providence (Rabb‐ulalamin), for earthly welfare (hasanah) and other‐worldly salvation (falah) of human beings. In Quranic context, knowledge, therefore, carries a great significance.
Title: The Concept of Knowledge in the Quran
Significance of Knowledge The functional name of the Holy Quran is ‘huda’, the guiding light.
It focuses divine light on each and every object separating thereby the right from the wrong' (al‐furqan).
As this is accomplished by dint of knowledge (al‐ 'ilm).
All these three guiding elements namely huda, furqan and ilm, are lined‐up by Allah, the Lord Providence (Rabb‐ulalamin), for earthly welfare (hasanah) and other‐worldly salvation (falah) of human beings.
In Quranic context, knowledge, therefore, carries a great significance.
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