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Donne's convalescence

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AbstractThis article argues that the period of Donne's convalescence immediately after his near‐fatal illness in late 1623 is crucial for an understanding of the text it spawned, his Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions (1624). A unique work of meditative writing composed in under a month, the Devotions centres on the author's ‘Steps in my Sicknes’ but does so through the quieter time of spiritual stock‐taking that succeeded it. The period of recovery from illness becomes an important part of Donne's treatment of human sinfulness and repentance. The article explores his conceptualization of and images for convalescence, first through one of his churching sermons, then through the Devotions itself, and finally through an undated Candlemas sermon which this article dates to February 1624, very shortly after Donne's illness. This second sermon demonstrates an intimate relationship with the Devotions and marks a more public response to illness and recovery within the context of St Paul's Cathedral.
Title: Donne's convalescence
AbstractThis article argues that the period of Donne's convalescence immediately after his near‐fatal illness in late 1623 is crucial for an understanding of the text it spawned, his Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions (1624).
A unique work of meditative writing composed in under a month, the Devotions centres on the author's ‘Steps in my Sicknes’ but does so through the quieter time of spiritual stock‐taking that succeeded it.
The period of recovery from illness becomes an important part of Donne's treatment of human sinfulness and repentance.
The article explores his conceptualization of and images for convalescence, first through one of his churching sermons, then through the Devotions itself, and finally through an undated Candlemas sermon which this article dates to February 1624, very shortly after Donne's illness.
This second sermon demonstrates an intimate relationship with the Devotions and marks a more public response to illness and recovery within the context of St Paul's Cathedral.

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