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Product Purchase Decision Analysis from Bittersweet by Najla Dessert Box

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The development of the food and beverage business sector has great opportunities in Indonesia. Bittersweet by Najla is the pioneer of the first and very famous dessert box in Indonesia. Bittersweet by Najla's ability to see this business opportunity brought the dessert box business to be famous and in demand by consumers. Online sales of Bittersweet by Najla have increased due to the momentum of the Covid-19 outbreak, so Bittersweet by Najla has greatly benefited during the pandemic. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the decision to purchase dessert box products through brand image. Factors that are thought to influence brand image are the marketing mix and electronic word of mouth (EWOM). The study was conducted on 375 respondents who were selected by volunteer sampling, with criteria over 17 years old, domiciled in Jabodetabek and have purchased a product at least once during the last six months through an online shopping application. Data was collected by distributing online questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and SEM-PLS using the SmartPLS application. The results showed that the majority of the 375 respondents studied were female by 57.07 percent, dominated by the age of 20 to 30 years (generation Y) at 76.80 percent. The majority of respondents' education level is strata one by 78.40 percent, while in occupations the dominating occupation is 60.53 percent of private employees. Based on the results of the study indicate that the marketing mix affects brand image and purchasing decisions. EWOM also influences brand image and purchasing decisions. In addition, brand image significantly influences purchasing decisions. The managerial implication that can be implemented is by implementing the STP strategy, which makes it easier for millennial consumers to acquire products and improve services for all online shopping applications by implementing promotions according to the momentum. Implementation of the 4C marketing mix strategy, increasing the role of EWOM and improving the brand image function. Keywords: brand image, dessert box, EWOM, marketing mix, purchase decision.
Title: Product Purchase Decision Analysis from Bittersweet by Najla Dessert Box
The development of the food and beverage business sector has great opportunities in Indonesia.
Bittersweet by Najla is the pioneer of the first and very famous dessert box in Indonesia.
Bittersweet by Najla's ability to see this business opportunity brought the dessert box business to be famous and in demand by consumers.
Online sales of Bittersweet by Najla have increased due to the momentum of the Covid-19 outbreak, so Bittersweet by Najla has greatly benefited during the pandemic.
This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the decision to purchase dessert box products through brand image.
Factors that are thought to influence brand image are the marketing mix and electronic word of mouth (EWOM).
The study was conducted on 375 respondents who were selected by volunteer sampling, with criteria over 17 years old, domiciled in Jabodetabek and have purchased a product at least once during the last six months through an online shopping application.
Data was collected by distributing online questionnaires.
Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and SEM-PLS using the SmartPLS application.
The results showed that the majority of the 375 respondents studied were female by 57.
07 percent, dominated by the age of 20 to 30 years (generation Y) at 76.
80 percent.
The majority of respondents' education level is strata one by 78.
40 percent, while in occupations the dominating occupation is 60.
53 percent of private employees.
Based on the results of the study indicate that the marketing mix affects brand image and purchasing decisions.
EWOM also influences brand image and purchasing decisions.
In addition, brand image significantly influences purchasing decisions.
The managerial implication that can be implemented is by implementing the STP strategy, which makes it easier for millennial consumers to acquire products and improve services for all online shopping applications by implementing promotions according to the momentum.
Implementation of the 4C marketing mix strategy, increasing the role of EWOM and improving the brand image function.
Keywords: brand image, dessert box, EWOM, marketing mix, purchase decision.

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