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Efficiency Comparison of Cryptographic Applications, Match-off-Card vs. Match-on-Card, Using National Biometric eID Card

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Abstract Recently, not only the Internet and mobile devices are changing our daily life but also the usage of national biometric card for every government electronic services. Beside citizen authentication these electronic services require users to encrypt and digitally sign their data or documents. Therefore, biometric cards are used as processing devices for cryptographic applications, whereby there are a lot of security aspects required for secure communication, authentication and encryption among them. Those aspects will be tested in different environments, platforms, devices, PCs, mobile devices and smartcards. This paper compares those two processing systems, Match off Card vs. Match on Card, and their efficiency of encryption and signatures on the data used. How different parameters, time and size of test vectors impacts the process and the role they play on the overall system. The derived results will serve us as a guide for using one processing system in certain environment, minding the efficiency of the data.
Title: Efficiency Comparison of Cryptographic Applications, Match-off-Card vs. Match-on-Card, Using National Biometric eID Card
Abstract Recently, not only the Internet and mobile devices are changing our daily life but also the usage of national biometric card for every government electronic services.
Beside citizen authentication these electronic services require users to encrypt and digitally sign their data or documents.
Therefore, biometric cards are used as processing devices for cryptographic applications, whereby there are a lot of security aspects required for secure communication, authentication and encryption among them.
Those aspects will be tested in different environments, platforms, devices, PCs, mobile devices and smartcards.
This paper compares those two processing systems, Match off Card vs.
Match on Card, and their efficiency of encryption and signatures on the data used.
How different parameters, time and size of test vectors impacts the process and the role they play on the overall system.
The derived results will serve us as a guide for using one processing system in certain environment, minding the efficiency of the data.

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