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Mexican precious flute.

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Forty years ago, the ceramic flute was acquired in the Tula archaeological site (700–1100) without information or data, but it was officially registered as an archaeological artifact and is beautiful, extraordinary, and has special properties and characteristics: Decorated with the face of a personage and green, white, and red colors and figures; mineralized dark spots, from accretions of insects and microbes on its surface, similar to those of ceramic from ancient shaft tombs of West Mexico; resonating tube like the chirimia; output of wind way very fine and thin of nearly 0.3 mm; plays six basic musical notes, very similar to those of the actual temperate scale with A4=440 Hz; data of fundamental frequencies fit with the least-squares method to a second-degree mathematical function; the F0 of its digitalized sounds can be drawn as several Mexican pictographs, in the frecuency domain using spectrograms; maximum acoustic radiated power of 0.004 W, similar to the level of a tenor recorder flute; and very delicate and sweet sounds with low noise signals, but can be heard up to a distance of 100 m on an open field.
Title: Mexican precious flute.
Forty years ago, the ceramic flute was acquired in the Tula archaeological site (700–1100) without information or data, but it was officially registered as an archaeological artifact and is beautiful, extraordinary, and has special properties and characteristics: Decorated with the face of a personage and green, white, and red colors and figures; mineralized dark spots, from accretions of insects and microbes on its surface, similar to those of ceramic from ancient shaft tombs of West Mexico; resonating tube like the chirimia; output of wind way very fine and thin of nearly 0.
3 mm; plays six basic musical notes, very similar to those of the actual temperate scale with A4=440 Hz; data of fundamental frequencies fit with the least-squares method to a second-degree mathematical function; the F0 of its digitalized sounds can be drawn as several Mexican pictographs, in the frecuency domain using spectrograms; maximum acoustic radiated power of 0.
004 W, similar to the level of a tenor recorder flute; and very delicate and sweet sounds with low noise signals, but can be heard up to a distance of 100 m on an open field.

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