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Charles Bailly : qu'est-ce qu'une « théorie de l'énonciation » ?

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ABSTRACT : In the second stage of his studies after his stylistics, Charles Bally, starting from a psychological linguistics, aims at a linguistics that would take into account "renonciation totale". In this paper we expose the theses developed in the first part of Linguistique générale et linguistique française (published for the first time in 1932), which is entitled 'Théorie de renonciation". Opposing narrow conceptions of the fields of enunciation, Bally does not separate the way language functions from the problem of the "sujet parlant". His "Théorie de renonciation" allows us to connect the principals of general linguistics with the building of a theory of the linguistic specificity of a given language.
Title: Charles Bailly : qu'est-ce qu'une « théorie de l'énonciation » ?
ABSTRACT : In the second stage of his studies after his stylistics, Charles Bally, starting from a psychological linguistics, aims at a linguistics that would take into account "renonciation totale".
In this paper we expose the theses developed in the first part of Linguistique générale et linguistique française (published for the first time in 1932), which is entitled 'Théorie de renonciation".
Opposing narrow conceptions of the fields of enunciation, Bally does not separate the way language functions from the problem of the "sujet parlant".
His "Théorie de renonciation" allows us to connect the principals of general linguistics with the building of a theory of the linguistic specificity of a given language.

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