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We would like to present the concluding issue of the editorial year of 2021. We began this year with a landmark, finishing a special edition with the second number of Design contributions for the COVID-19 global emergency. After releasing two issues, suddenly developed for addressing such emergency from a design perspective, we decided to bring two regular numbers to close 2021. It was a relevant effort for our editorial team, which forced us to temporarily stop our ordinary work, but we believe it was indispensable. With the second issue of this volume and this third one, we have resumed the publication ofpapers previously sent to our journal. We will continue this way in the next issues, seeking to speed up the review and publication process of the submitted papers.
UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio Dos Sinos
Title: Editorial
We would like to present the concluding issue of the editorial year of 2021.
We began this year with a landmark, finishing a special edition with the second number of Design contributions for the COVID-19 global emergency.
After releasing two issues, suddenly developed for addressing such emergency from a design perspective, we decided to bring two regular numbers to close 2021.
It was a relevant effort for our editorial team, which forced us to temporarily stop our ordinary work, but we believe it was indispensable.
With the second issue of this volume and this third one, we have resumed the publication ofpapers previously sent to our journal.
We will continue this way in the next issues, seeking to speed up the review and publication process of the submitted papers.
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