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Self-reflections of Journalists on Censorship and Pressure in the Media they Leave
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The text presents results of research on how journalists tell about censorship and pres-sure on their work in the media. A number of studies point to major problems such as corporate pressure on journalists in private media; tabooization of certain topics by public and state-owned media, but also distortion of the information picture due to commercial interests. One very specific biographical moment, i.e. the quitting, dismis-sal or discharge of journalists from the media, has been chosen as a focus of the study of journalistic perceptions of limitations on the professional field. The study answers the questions: When do journalists think they were free in the media? How do they describe their perceptions of freedom of expression? How do they construct their personal narratives in media interviews in the period after quitting or being banished from the media?
Title: Self-reflections of Journalists on Censorship and Pressure in the Media they Leave
The text presents results of research on how journalists tell about censorship and pres-sure on their work in the media.
A number of studies point to major problems such as corporate pressure on journalists in private media; tabooization of certain topics by public and state-owned media, but also distortion of the information picture due to commercial interests.
One very specific biographical moment, i.
the quitting, dismis-sal or discharge of journalists from the media, has been chosen as a focus of the study of journalistic perceptions of limitations on the professional field.
The study answers the questions: When do journalists think they were free in the media? How do they describe their perceptions of freedom of expression? How do they construct their personal narratives in media interviews in the period after quitting or being banished from the media?.
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