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Arab Literary Exiles and Their Writing in Light of the Arab Spring
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Before the era of globalization, the nation state produced intellectuals, some in its support, and some in opposition. Among the latter were those who could be termed literary exiles. Different kinds of states produced different kinds of intellectuals, and thus arose the possibility of a sociology of literary exile. Today, in the wake of the Arab Spring, with its unexpected resurgence of old-fashioned nationalism, the question arises whether scholars should now take a second look at the question of national history and its theory in the wake of globalization. This essay argues that Arab literary exiles can be meaningfully looked at as part of a longer-term trend extending from the old national period until today, representing a historical approach well worth developing.
Title: Arab Literary Exiles and Their Writing in Light of the Arab Spring
Before the era of globalization, the nation state produced intellectuals, some in its support, and some in opposition.
Among the latter were those who could be termed literary exiles.
Different kinds of states produced different kinds of intellectuals, and thus arose the possibility of a sociology of literary exile.
Today, in the wake of the Arab Spring, with its unexpected resurgence of old-fashioned nationalism, the question arises whether scholars should now take a second look at the question of national history and its theory in the wake of globalization.
This essay argues that Arab literary exiles can be meaningfully looked at as part of a longer-term trend extending from the old national period until today, representing a historical approach well worth developing.
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