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Poválečný sociologický výzkum města Brna z roku 1947 a metodika jeho soudobého zpracování z pohledu historicko-sociologické analýzy průmyslového dělnictva před rokem 1948

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The present paper deals with the Brno Social Study, a rather extraordinary questionnaire survey given its extent and time (1947). Data analysis was forestalled by the political transformation after 1948, but the questionnaires were preserved. We have inherited a unique set of data for a historical-sociological analysis focusing both on the population of industry workers and on the social structure of Czech society in the advent of the communist coup. The Brno Social Study is contextualized in the state of post-war sociology, and the avenues toward its inception and implementation are mapped. The central part of the paper analyses the survey data from a contemporary analytical perspective, discussing the dataset’s representativeness. The primary objective of the paper is to propose, and initiate scholarly debate about, a feasible methodology for analysing the archived data today. The methodology serves to construct a representative sample through a combination of purposive, quota and random sampling; to determine the respondents’ socio-economic status using both ISCO and an original conceptualization of working class status; and to present certain data on respondents’ lifestyles that might be of interest for future analyses.
Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Title: Poválečný sociologický výzkum města Brna z roku 1947 a metodika jeho soudobého zpracování z pohledu historicko-sociologické analýzy průmyslového dělnictva před rokem 1948
The present paper deals with the Brno Social Study, a rather extraordinary questionnaire survey given its extent and time (1947).
Data analysis was forestalled by the political transformation after 1948, but the questionnaires were preserved.
We have inherited a unique set of data for a historical-sociological analysis focusing both on the population of industry workers and on the social structure of Czech society in the advent of the communist coup.
The Brno Social Study is contextualized in the state of post-war sociology, and the avenues toward its inception and implementation are mapped.
The central part of the paper analyses the survey data from a contemporary analytical perspective, discussing the dataset’s representativeness.
The primary objective of the paper is to propose, and initiate scholarly debate about, a feasible methodology for analysing the archived data today.
The methodology serves to construct a representative sample through a combination of purposive, quota and random sampling; to determine the respondents’ socio-economic status using both ISCO and an original conceptualization of working class status; and to present certain data on respondents’ lifestyles that might be of interest for future analyses.

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