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Život a smrt Hitlerova kata: nad novou biografií Reinharda Heydricha

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In this review of the English and German editions of a new biography by the young German historian Robert Gerwarth, the reviewer considers the paradoxes and key moments in the career and nature of a high-ranking Third Reich functionary, Reinhard Heydrich (1904–1942). The reviewer focuses mainly on Heydrich’s devastating work as Deputy Reich Protector in Prague and some aspects of his assassination carried out by Czechoslovak paratroopers whom the Czechoslovak Government-in- -Exile sent from the United Kingdom. The reviewer assesses Gerwarth’s biography positively in comparison with the existing literature on Heydrich, calling it a solid piece of work in the contemporary sociological trend in German historiography. But he notes that the author has failed to explain the psychological motives of Heydrich’s actions and the contradictory aspects of his personality.
Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Title: Život a smrt Hitlerova kata: nad novou biografií Reinharda Heydricha
In this review of the English and German editions of a new biography by the young German historian Robert Gerwarth, the reviewer considers the paradoxes and key moments in the career and nature of a high-ranking Third Reich functionary, Reinhard Heydrich (1904–1942).
The reviewer focuses mainly on Heydrich’s devastating work as Deputy Reich Protector in Prague and some aspects of his assassination carried out by Czechoslovak paratroopers whom the Czechoslovak Government-in- -Exile sent from the United Kingdom.
The reviewer assesses Gerwarth’s biography positively in comparison with the existing literature on Heydrich, calling it a solid piece of work in the contemporary sociological trend in German historiography.
But he notes that the author has failed to explain the psychological motives of Heydrich’s actions and the contradictory aspects of his personality.

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