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Canyons, Colours and Birds: An Interview with Oliver Messiaen

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Well, this is what happened. My impresario had introduced me to Miss Alice Tully from New York and Miss Tully wanted to commission a work from me for the American Bicentennial. I had no time and I said that I would be unable to accept her offer, but then she invited me to dinner. In the course of the meal, she told me how much she loved animals and that she travelled to India for the sole purpose of shaking the paw of a lion. Well, at first I laughed at this story, but then afterwards I recalled the account of the ‘Chevalier au Lion’ of Chrétien de Troyes, a French romance of the Middle Ages, and after having laughed, I cried. I said to myself, that woman is amazing, to go all the way to India just to see a lion and shake its paw, that's marvelous, and I accepted the commission.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Title: Canyons, Colours and Birds: An Interview with Oliver Messiaen
Well, this is what happened.
My impresario had introduced me to Miss Alice Tully from New York and Miss Tully wanted to commission a work from me for the American Bicentennial.
I had no time and I said that I would be unable to accept her offer, but then she invited me to dinner.
In the course of the meal, she told me how much she loved animals and that she travelled to India for the sole purpose of shaking the paw of a lion.
Well, at first I laughed at this story, but then afterwards I recalled the account of the ‘Chevalier au Lion’ of Chrétien de Troyes, a French romance of the Middle Ages, and after having laughed, I cried.
I said to myself, that woman is amazing, to go all the way to India just to see a lion and shake its paw, that's marvelous, and I accepted the commission.

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