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Contemporary Terrorist Challenges and Threats in Europe
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This article generally contains two parts. One is a theoretical approach to dealing with the phenomenon of terrorism as well as international terrorism. Within the first part, a unique definition of the concept of security science is given, without which it is not possible to properly perceive or investigate security threats and risks within which terrorism is one of the significant threats. The second part deals with models of terrorist activities with special attention to the webspace and the significant role that terrorists attach to the increasing use of the Internet for their purposes. The theoretical part leads to the conclusion that there are five essential elements whose presence, if detected in one territory or state, indicates the existence of a mechanism that produces or creates new jihad warriors. The paper also gives a unique forecast of the degree of endangerment on the example of a territory, which gives scientists who investigate these threats a new direction of research.
Title: Contemporary Terrorist Challenges and Threats in Europe
This article generally contains two parts.
One is a theoretical approach to dealing with the phenomenon of terrorism as well as international terrorism.
Within the first part, a unique definition of the concept of security science is given, without which it is not possible to properly perceive or investigate security threats and risks within which terrorism is one of the significant threats.
The second part deals with models of terrorist activities with special attention to the webspace and the significant role that terrorists attach to the increasing use of the Internet for their purposes.
The theoretical part leads to the conclusion that there are five essential elements whose presence, if detected in one territory or state, indicates the existence of a mechanism that produces or creates new jihad warriors.
The paper also gives a unique forecast of the degree of endangerment on the example of a territory, which gives scientists who investigate these threats a new direction of research.
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