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Undocumented Migration to Venezuela

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In 1980 Venezuela took concrete steps to regularize the undocumented migrant population. While the number responding to the amnesty was small relative to expectations, the majority of illegals appeared to have regularized their status. For the first time it was possible to assess objectively the characteristics of the undocumented population. Moreover, the problem of illegal migrants seems to have been temporarily solved, a result of both the amnesty and the country's declining economic activity.
Title: Undocumented Migration to Venezuela
In 1980 Venezuela took concrete steps to regularize the undocumented migrant population.
While the number responding to the amnesty was small relative to expectations, the majority of illegals appeared to have regularized their status.
For the first time it was possible to assess objectively the characteristics of the undocumented population.
Moreover, the problem of illegal migrants seems to have been temporarily solved, a result of both the amnesty and the country's declining economic activity.

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