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A Roman Silver Helmet in the Toledo (Ohio) Museum of Art

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In 1958 Edward Drummond Libbey presented the helmet published here to the Toledo Museum of Art (pls. I, II). Its importance warrants at least a brief notice. The helmet is lifesize, that is it can be readily worn by a present-day person of average size. Excepting the possible loss of two ornaments (rosettes) at the sides of the browpiece or area where the pivots of the visor would be, if the helmet had one, the helmet is in nearly perfect condition. The metal is silver of good quality; the ornaments on top, on the browpiece and on the cheekpieces are also silver, with goldfoil coverings.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Title: A Roman Silver Helmet in the Toledo (Ohio) Museum of Art
In 1958 Edward Drummond Libbey presented the helmet published here to the Toledo Museum of Art (pls.
I, II).
Its importance warrants at least a brief notice.
The helmet is lifesize, that is it can be readily worn by a present-day person of average size.
Excepting the possible loss of two ornaments (rosettes) at the sides of the browpiece or area where the pivots of the visor would be, if the helmet had one, the helmet is in nearly perfect condition.
The metal is silver of good quality; the ornaments on top, on the browpiece and on the cheekpieces are also silver, with goldfoil coverings.

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