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In Memory of Deborah Martinsen
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With deep sadness, the editorial board of "The Unknown Dostoevsky" journal informs readers about the death of one of its founders, Deborah Anne Martinsen. She died on Sunday, November 28, after a prolonged illness. Together with her family and friends, we are grieving this irreparable loss. She never gave up, and while she was ill, she prepared two new books for publication. Deborah’s work was multidimensional. For many years she had taught Literature Humanities — a core course at Columbia University, courses on Dostoevsky, worked with graduates of Columbia University. Since the V symposium, held in France in 1983, her life has become intertwined with the International Dostoevsky Society. She became an active member of IDS, was an indispensable participant in all subsequent symposia, one of the organizers of the 1998 IDS Symposium in New York, and a co-organizer of other symposia. Deborah Martinsen was the most exceptional President of IDS and her organizational talent was greatly appreciated. In recent years, Deborah has devoted a lot of effort to editorial work at the "Dostoevsky Studies" journal. Her work in our journal "The Unknown Dostoevsky" was also among her creative activities. She was always a large part of our lives and will be dearly missed. Eternal memory, dearest Deborah!
Title: In Memory of Deborah Martinsen
With deep sadness, the editorial board of "The Unknown Dostoevsky" journal informs readers about the death of one of its founders, Deborah Anne Martinsen.
She died on Sunday, November 28, after a prolonged illness.
Together with her family and friends, we are grieving this irreparable loss.
She never gave up, and while she was ill, she prepared two new books for publication.
Deborah’s work was multidimensional.
For many years she had taught Literature Humanities — a core course at Columbia University, courses on Dostoevsky, worked with graduates of Columbia University.
Since the V symposium, held in France in 1983, her life has become intertwined with the International Dostoevsky Society.
She became an active member of IDS, was an indispensable participant in all subsequent symposia, one of the organizers of the 1998 IDS Symposium in New York, and a co-organizer of other symposia.
Deborah Martinsen was the most exceptional President of IDS and her organizational talent was greatly appreciated.
In recent years, Deborah has devoted a lot of effort to editorial work at the "Dostoevsky Studies" journal.
Her work in our journal "The Unknown Dostoevsky" was also among her creative activities.
She was always a large part of our lives and will be dearly missed.
Eternal memory, dearest Deborah!.
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