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Hernando de Acuña, casos de imitatio de Ausiàs March en el petrarquismo hispánico del QuinientosHernando de Acuña: Cases of imitatio of Ausiàs March in the Hispanic Petrarchism of the 1500s

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Abstract Ausiàs March (1400–1459) was imitated in the Hispanic Renaissance. It is already visible in Garcilaso de la Vega’s (1501–1535) poetry as well as in Juan Boscán’s (1487/92–1542). Hernando de Acuña (1518–1580/82) was their follower. Previous research accounts for the exclusive imitation of some of March’s lesser-known poems in Acuña’s Varias poesías (1591). First, this paper offers other examples that had been unperceived. Second, it sheds new light on these already known imitation cases, and it justifies their existence in the context of the imitatio of March in the first half of the sixteenth century.
The Pennsylvania State University Press
Title: Hernando de Acuña, casos de imitatio de Ausiàs March en el petrarquismo hispánico del QuinientosHernando de Acuña: Cases of imitatio of Ausiàs March in the Hispanic Petrarchism of the 1500s
Abstract Ausiàs March (1400–1459) was imitated in the Hispanic Renaissance.
It is already visible in Garcilaso de la Vega’s (1501–1535) poetry as well as in Juan Boscán’s (1487/92–1542).
Hernando de Acuña (1518–1580/82) was their follower.
Previous research accounts for the exclusive imitation of some of March’s lesser-known poems in Acuña’s Varias poesías (1591).
First, this paper offers other examples that had been unperceived.
Second, it sheds new light on these already known imitation cases, and it justifies their existence in the context of the imitatio of March in the first half of the sixteenth century.

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