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The Art Of Shavian Political Drama

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THE UNEMPLOYED OF THE GREAT DEPRESSION of the thirties are singing these verses of Edward Carpenter outside number ten Downing Street at the close of Bernard Shaw's On the Rocks "to a percussion accompaniment of baton thwacks." Straightway, one critic on the Left observed that "the play ends with the marchers outside the window singing 'England Arise!' which I understand is the theme song of Mosley's Black Shirts." The playwright's conservative biographer, St. John Ervine, propounded an equally ingenious but dissimilar interpretation based on the second line of Carpenter's song, "Faint in the east behold the dawn appear." According to Ervine, "For G. B. S. the east was Russia, and the dawn was a dictator-dominated commune."
University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)
Title: The Art Of Shavian Political Drama
THE UNEMPLOYED OF THE GREAT DEPRESSION of the thirties are singing these verses of Edward Carpenter outside number ten Downing Street at the close of Bernard Shaw's On the Rocks "to a percussion accompaniment of baton thwacks.
" Straightway, one critic on the Left observed that "the play ends with the marchers outside the window singing 'England Arise!' which I understand is the theme song of Mosley's Black Shirts.
" The playwright's conservative biographer, St.
John Ervine, propounded an equally ingenious but dissimilar interpretation based on the second line of Carpenter's song, "Faint in the east behold the dawn appear.
" According to Ervine, "For G.
the east was Russia, and the dawn was a dictator-dominated commune.

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