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Cuba, Labor, and Change

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Labor has played a significant role in Cuba's past, but this country's labor movement has been largely unremembered and understudied since the revolution in 1959. Yet there was a time when a strong labor move ment and pro-labor legislation were prominent features within the coun try. This article reintroduces the topic of Cuban labor and its develop ment, includes both English and Spanish literature sources, has a base of personal interviews with exiled labor leaders, and identifies the major federations that existed within the Cuban Confederation of Labor up to the revolution. Additionally, the article summarizes trends affecting labor in post-revolutionary Cuba, and examines scenarios for change as Cuba and labor enter a new millennium.
Title: Cuba, Labor, and Change
Labor has played a significant role in Cuba's past, but this country's labor movement has been largely unremembered and understudied since the revolution in 1959.
Yet there was a time when a strong labor move ment and pro-labor legislation were prominent features within the coun try.
This article reintroduces the topic of Cuban labor and its develop ment, includes both English and Spanish literature sources, has a base of personal interviews with exiled labor leaders, and identifies the major federations that existed within the Cuban Confederation of Labor up to the revolution.
Additionally, the article summarizes trends affecting labor in post-revolutionary Cuba, and examines scenarios for change as Cuba and labor enter a new millennium.

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