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Cuba, Che Guevara, and the Problem of "Socialism in One Country"

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The presidential elections in Cuba in March 2018 has raised again the question of the country’s survival. How can Cuba hold up and develop against the economic, cultural, and military encirclement of U.S. imperialism in particular and the capitalist system in general? An answer can be sought in the history of Cuba’s socialist transition, the unique role played by Che Guevara, and the emergence of ideas regarding the possibility (and impossibility) of achieving socialism in one country alone.
Monthly Review Foundation
Title: Cuba, Che Guevara, and the Problem of "Socialism in One Country"
The presidential elections in Cuba in March 2018 has raised again the question of the country’s survival.
How can Cuba hold up and develop against the economic, cultural, and military encirclement of U.
imperialism in particular and the capitalist system in general? An answer can be sought in the history of Cuba’s socialist transition, the unique role played by Che Guevara, and the emergence of ideas regarding the possibility (and impossibility) of achieving socialism in one country alone.

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