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The Cuban Diaspora: A Comparative Analysis of the Search for Meaning among Recent Cuban Exiles and Cuban Americans
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One hundred four recent exiled Cubans and 98 Cuban Americans were compared on purpose in life, well-being, and family dimension variables. Specifically, the authors examined (a) whether acculturation, family adaptability, and family cohesion predict purpose in life; (b) the relations among family dimension variables, acculturation, purpose in life, and U.S. residency; and (c) whether recent exiled Cubans and Cuban Americans differ on family adaptability, family cohesion, and purpose in life. Findings revealed that family adaptability, family cohesion, and acculturation were significant predictors of purpose in life. Furthermore, several of the variables under investigation were significantly related, in particular a significant relationship was found between purpose in life and the two family dimension variables for both groups. Finally, recent exiled Cubans as compared to Cuban Americans scored higher on family adaptability, purpose in life, and well-being.
Title: The Cuban Diaspora: A Comparative Analysis of the Search for Meaning among Recent Cuban Exiles and Cuban Americans
One hundred four recent exiled Cubans and 98 Cuban Americans were compared on purpose in life, well-being, and family dimension variables.
Specifically, the authors examined (a) whether acculturation, family adaptability, and family cohesion predict purpose in life; (b) the relations among family dimension variables, acculturation, purpose in life, and U.
residency; and (c) whether recent exiled Cubans and Cuban Americans differ on family adaptability, family cohesion, and purpose in life.
Findings revealed that family adaptability, family cohesion, and acculturation were significant predictors of purpose in life.
Furthermore, several of the variables under investigation were significantly related, in particular a significant relationship was found between purpose in life and the two family dimension variables for both groups.
Finally, recent exiled Cubans as compared to Cuban Americans scored higher on family adaptability, purpose in life, and well-being.
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