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Contribution of the Far Eastern Region to the Victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War and the End of World War II

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In 1941—1945. The inviolability of the Far Eastern borders with limited human resources, a poorly developed system of communication links and a lack of financial resources was maintained using the country's socio-political and military-economic capabilities. The demographic situation determined the mobilization capabilities of the region, the imbalance between the number of urban and rural residents, the personnel potential of military-industrial and civilian enterprises has increased, the problem of labor resources has become aggravated. The deployment of a military contingent in the Far East was, on the one hand, an incentive for the development of life-supporting industries, and on the other, an additional burden for limited regional resources. The introduction of a rationed supply of food and basic necessities to the population guaranteed a minimum of material benefits for the majority of the population. In the most difficult conditions, it was possible to preserve the social infrastructure at a level that ensures the reproduction of the labor force. The movement “Everything for the front, everything for the victory!” became a symbol of Soviet patriotism, citizenship and sacrifice. The war of the Soviet Union against Japan received the support of the world community. The Tokyo and Khabarovsk military tribunals established that the main Japanese criminals violated international law, treaties and agreements, unleashing aggressive wars against other countries, and committed a grave crime against humanity. The signed international agreements provided not only for the defeat of fascist Germany, Italy, militarist Japan and their allies, but also for the preservation of peace and the settlement of contradictions. The commonality of goals, the just nature of the war helped the Soviet people endure an incredibly difficult and prolonged test and win the Great Patriotic War, and bring the end of World War II closer.
LLC Integration Education and Science
Title: Contribution of the Far Eastern Region to the Victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War and the End of World War II
In 1941—1945.
The inviolability of the Far Eastern borders with limited human resources, a poorly developed system of communication links and a lack of financial resources was maintained using the country's socio-political and military-economic capabilities.
The demographic situation determined the mobilization capabilities of the region, the imbalance between the number of urban and rural residents, the personnel potential of military-industrial and civilian enterprises has increased, the problem of labor resources has become aggravated.
The deployment of a military contingent in the Far East was, on the one hand, an incentive for the development of life-supporting industries, and on the other, an additional burden for limited regional resources.
The introduction of a rationed supply of food and basic necessities to the population guaranteed a minimum of material benefits for the majority of the population.
In the most difficult conditions, it was possible to preserve the social infrastructure at a level that ensures the reproduction of the labor force.
The movement “Everything for the front, everything for the victory!” became a symbol of Soviet patriotism, citizenship and sacrifice.
The war of the Soviet Union against Japan received the support of the world community.
The Tokyo and Khabarovsk military tribunals established that the main Japanese criminals violated international law, treaties and agreements, unleashing aggressive wars against other countries, and committed a grave crime against humanity.
The signed international agreements provided not only for the defeat of fascist Germany, Italy, militarist Japan and their allies, but also for the preservation of peace and the settlement of contradictions.
The commonality of goals, the just nature of the war helped the Soviet people endure an incredibly difficult and prolonged test and win the Great Patriotic War, and bring the end of World War II closer.

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