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In this volume of Artifact, we wish to explore design through the design
concept, and thereby the societal praxis of designers through the
theoretical concept of design. Design is praxis, but it is also formed by
the way we frame the concept of design. We have endeavoured to give space
for a rather broad range of contributors coming from both the many design
disciplines and from surrounding fields in order to be able to show
different angles on this subject matter. By focusing on the design concept
and its different use in altering contexts, we want to open up for a
discussion not only of the concept, but also and especially of the
contemporary conditions of the disciplines it covers, and the societal
contexts these disciplines have an impact on (excerpt from the
Title: Editorial
In this volume of Artifact, we wish to explore design through the design
concept, and thereby the societal praxis of designers through the
theoretical concept of design.
Design is praxis, but it is also formed by
the way we frame the concept of design.
We have endeavoured to give space
for a rather broad range of contributors coming from both the many design
disciplines and from surrounding fields in order to be able to show
different angles on this subject matter.
By focusing on the design concept
and its different use in altering contexts, we want to open up for a
discussion not only of the concept, but also and especially of the
contemporary conditions of the disciplines it covers, and the societal
contexts these disciplines have an impact on (excerpt from the
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