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With Felt, Fat, and Broom
View through Harvard Museums
Busch-Reisinger Museum
Harvard Art Museums/Busch-Reisinger Museum The Willy and Charlotte Reber Collection Richard Norton Memorial Fund and Louise Haskell Daly Fund
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Felt hat with band, Elfriede Ltd., London, 1960s. Felt.
Felt hat with band, Elfriede Ltd., London, 1960s. Felt.
Felt hat with band, Elfriede Ltd., London, 1960s. Felt. ...
Usha Seejarim, Cornucopia (2020)
Usha Seejarim, Cornucopia (2020)
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Das Gespenst des Dion (The Apparition Appears to Dion Wielding a Broom, Plutarch, Dion, 55)
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Outline engraving and etching, Heinrich Fuessli's Sämmtliche Werke 1807 part I no. 2...
Sketchbook with black-leather-covered cardboard covers. Sewn page block. Pages of white wove paper, each 34.7 x 27.1 cm. Pages numbered at l.l. of verso in graphite. Drawings i...
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The early screenwriting practice of Ernest Lehman
The early screenwriting practice of Ernest Lehman
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