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Ce que l'on ne peut imiter et que l'on ne peut apprendre, ou ce que les arts poétiques français de la Renaissance « montrent au doigt » (l'exemple de J. Peletier du Mans et de quelques autres)

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That Which Cannot Be Imitated and That Which Cannot Be Learnt, or that which French Renaissance artes poeticae "point out" (J. Peletier du Mans and a few others) It is in artes poeticae, despite their apparently normative goals, that one can find instances of a reflection upon singularity in Renaissance authors; indeed, Peletier du Mans' prescriptions are brief precisely so as to preserve the individual poet's possibility of singularity.
Title: Ce que l'on ne peut imiter et que l'on ne peut apprendre, ou ce que les arts poétiques français de la Renaissance « montrent au doigt » (l'exemple de J. Peletier du Mans et de quelques autres)
That Which Cannot Be Imitated and That Which Cannot Be Learnt, or that which French Renaissance artes poeticae "point out" (J.
Peletier du Mans and a few others) It is in artes poeticae, despite their apparently normative goals, that one can find instances of a reflection upon singularity in Renaissance authors; indeed, Peletier du Mans' prescriptions are brief precisely so as to preserve the individual poet's possibility of singularity.

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