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Regulating Bodies: Children and Sexual Violence
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The interdisciplinary silences on sexual violence and the omission of children and youth from social science research speak volumes of the power of the child as a flexible, cultural signifier. In this article, I argue that dominant frameworks of children and childhood make child sexual assault a discursive impossibility for most young people. The epistemic violence of silencing matters, and it is these erasures that are fundamental to understanding violence and power. I argue it is paramount for feminist researchers to call attention to the undermining qualities of Institutional Review Boards that act as gatekeepers of representation and voice.
Title: Regulating Bodies: Children and Sexual Violence
The interdisciplinary silences on sexual violence and the omission of children and youth from social science research speak volumes of the power of the child as a flexible, cultural signifier.
In this article, I argue that dominant frameworks of children and childhood make child sexual assault a discursive impossibility for most young people.
The epistemic violence of silencing matters, and it is these erasures that are fundamental to understanding violence and power.
I argue it is paramount for feminist researchers to call attention to the undermining qualities of Institutional Review Boards that act as gatekeepers of representation and voice.
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