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Expressions of “Voice” in Portraiture
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The various ways in which the researcher negotiates “voice are the focus of this article. The six aspects of “voice” as defined by portraiture are manifested through the researcher’s chosen methodology, research tools, observation and interview sites, and data analysis. The tensions in the research process and the choice to use portraiture for qualitative research are explicated through critical race theory. The author uses a case study of a White teacher in a racially diverse urban classroom to describe how matters of voice are situated within larger contextual issues, data analysis, theoretical frameworks, and personal and professional relationships between the participants and the researcher. While building a case for an alliance between critical race theory and portraiture, the author explores her various roles within the research, how these roles are constructed by historical and present-day contexts, and how intersections of race, class, and gender are manifested within the research process.
Title: Expressions of “Voice” in Portraiture
The various ways in which the researcher negotiates “voice are the focus of this article.
The six aspects of “voice” as defined by portraiture are manifested through the researcher’s chosen methodology, research tools, observation and interview sites, and data analysis.
The tensions in the research process and the choice to use portraiture for qualitative research are explicated through critical race theory.
The author uses a case study of a White teacher in a racially diverse urban classroom to describe how matters of voice are situated within larger contextual issues, data analysis, theoretical frameworks, and personal and professional relationships between the participants and the researcher.
While building a case for an alliance between critical race theory and portraiture, the author explores her various roles within the research, how these roles are constructed by historical and present-day contexts, and how intersections of race, class, and gender are manifested within the research process.
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