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Nocturnal Emissions: A Failure to Replicate

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Abstract A time series of nocturnal emissions was presented in The American Journal of Psychology in 1904. The anonymous author of this remarkable article provided the time series to support his contention that his nocturnal emissions exhibited a seasonal pattern of variation. Specifically, he claimed to have heightened emissions during spring and summer, with dampened emissions later. The basis for this claim was a time series graph of average emissions by month across an 8-year period. The purpose of this article is to reanalyze these data with statistical procedures developed in the past century to validate the original conclusion drawn by the author. After analyses of the data with several state-of-the-art methods, no statistical support was found for a seasonal pattern of nocturnal emissions.
Title: Nocturnal Emissions: A Failure to Replicate
Abstract A time series of nocturnal emissions was presented in The American Journal of Psychology in 1904.
The anonymous author of this remarkable article provided the time series to support his contention that his nocturnal emissions exhibited a seasonal pattern of variation.
Specifically, he claimed to have heightened emissions during spring and summer, with dampened emissions later.
The basis for this claim was a time series graph of average emissions by month across an 8-year period.
The purpose of this article is to reanalyze these data with statistical procedures developed in the past century to validate the original conclusion drawn by the author.
After analyses of the data with several state-of-the-art methods, no statistical support was found for a seasonal pattern of nocturnal emissions.

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