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“Poetry in Peril? Is poetry on the page doomed or is it adapting to audiences of the next millennium?”

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That in some quarters it is perceived that there is a need to embrace new technologies not only to reach existing audiences, but to reclaim ones believed to have fallen by the wayside, points to an interesting phenomenon in poetry publishing in the approaching years of the next millennium. It seems to me that poetry is working harder than any other print media to get off the printed page! And if it succeeds — Poetry is in peril!
Australasian Association of Writing Programs
Title: “Poetry in Peril? Is poetry on the page doomed or is it adapting to audiences of the next millennium?”
That in some quarters it is perceived that there is a need to embrace new technologies not only to reach existing audiences, but to reclaim ones believed to have fallen by the wayside, points to an interesting phenomenon in poetry publishing in the approaching years of the next millennium.
It seems to me that poetry is working harder than any other print media to get off the printed page! And if it succeeds — Poetry is in peril!.

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