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Twilight at Bayreuth
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This is an account of failure at Bayreuth, the town in West Germany which is the stronghold of Richard Wagner's music and of Wagnerian tradition, now celebrating the hundredth year of the opening of its festival theatre by Wagner himself. In 1876 the Festspielhaus was launched with panoply and princes and the musically great -List t, Tchaikovsky, Saint-Saens, Gou(lod -and there on the little green hill was heard the first complete performance of Der Ring des Nibelungen, that sequence of four music dramas known for short as the Ring, and this season pretty well brought to ruin. Wolfgang Wagner, the grandson of the composer, is currently in charge.
Title: Twilight at Bayreuth
This is an account of failure at Bayreuth, the town in West Germany which is the stronghold of Richard Wagner's music and of Wagnerian tradition, now celebrating the hundredth year of the opening of its festival theatre by Wagner himself.
In 1876 the Festspielhaus was launched with panoply and princes and the musically great -List t, Tchaikovsky, Saint-Saens, Gou(lod -and there on the little green hill was heard the first complete performance of Der Ring des Nibelungen, that sequence of four music dramas known for short as the Ring, and this season pretty well brought to ruin.
Wolfgang Wagner, the grandson of the composer, is currently in charge.
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