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From Death to Print: Marcantonio Raimandi‘s Morbetto and the Power of Engraving in Raphael‘s Rome
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The Morbetto, or Plague in Crete, designed by Raphael and engraved by Marcantonio
Raimondi, juxtaposes the pestilence described in Virgils Aeneid with the ruinous
state of Romes ancient remains in the Renaissance. This article examines this
exceptional collaboration between the artist and engraver in light of early
modern medical knowledge of contagion and an emerging discourse on the
preservation of Roman ruins. It argues that the tonal properties of engraving
and reproducible nature of print are integral to the meaning of the Morbetto, an
image in which new artistic creation arises from a cultural landscape dominated
by the fragmentary heritage of the past.
Title: From Death to Print: Marcantonio Raimandi‘s Morbetto and the Power of Engraving in Raphael‘s Rome
The Morbetto, or Plague in Crete, designed by Raphael and engraved by Marcantonio
Raimondi, juxtaposes the pestilence described in Virgils Aeneid with the ruinous
state of Romes ancient remains in the Renaissance.
This article examines this
exceptional collaboration between the artist and engraver in light of early
modern medical knowledge of contagion and an emerging discourse on the
preservation of Roman ruins.
It argues that the tonal properties of engraving
and reproducible nature of print are integral to the meaning of the Morbetto, an
image in which new artistic creation arises from a cultural landscape dominated
by the fragmentary heritage of the past.
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