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Explanation Sketches

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According to Hempel, historians do not offer full-blown explanations. Rather, they typically present explanation-sketches which need filling out. On his account, … Such a sketch consists of a more or less vague indication of the laws and initial conditions considered as relevant, and it needs ‘filling out’ in order to turn into a full fledged explanation. This filling out requires further empirical research for which the sketch suggests the direction …
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Title: Explanation Sketches
According to Hempel, historians do not offer full-blown explanations.
Rather, they typically present explanation-sketches which need filling out.
On his account, … Such a sketch consists of a more or less vague indication of the laws and initial conditions considered as relevant, and it needs ‘filling out’ in order to turn into a full fledged explanation.
This filling out requires further empirical research for which the sketch suggests the direction ….

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