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The Orchestration of Corporate Performance Management and Business Process Management and Its Effect on Perceived Organizational Performance

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Various management approaches have been proposed to maintain good organizational performance on a continuous basis, with corporate performance management (CPM) and business process management (BPM) being two major groups. While the conceptual connection between CPM and BPM might see obvious, their actual empirical connection with performance remains poorly understood. In this article, we address this gap and develop a theoretical model that explicates the causal paths from CPM via BPM toward organizational performance in terms of a set of hypotheses. Based on a survey, we find that the effect of CPM on organizational performance is largely mediated by CPM-BPM orchestration and process performance. With this study, we respond to recent calls for novel studies in this area and highlight the impact of well-orchestrated CPM and BPM initiatives on organizational performance.
Title: The Orchestration of Corporate Performance Management and Business Process Management and Its Effect on Perceived Organizational Performance
Various management approaches have been proposed to maintain good organizational performance on a continuous basis, with corporate performance management (CPM) and business process management (BPM) being two major groups.
While the conceptual connection between CPM and BPM might see obvious, their actual empirical connection with performance remains poorly understood.
In this article, we address this gap and develop a theoretical model that explicates the causal paths from CPM via BPM toward organizational performance in terms of a set of hypotheses.
Based on a survey, we find that the effect of CPM on organizational performance is largely mediated by CPM-BPM orchestration and process performance.
With this study, we respond to recent calls for novel studies in this area and highlight the impact of well-orchestrated CPM and BPM initiatives on organizational performance.

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