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A small votive capital from Kythera
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The fragment of a marble volute found near Palaiopolis was at first identified as part of a capital, and later interpreted as an altar akroterion. By measuring, drawing and analysing the details of the fragment, it has become clear that it must be reconstructed as a capital. Its size is determined by the axes of the ornamental leaves of the cushion and the diameter of the echinus, which lead to 2 alternatives (FIG. 3). The capital as such is unusual with its flat volutes with large rosette eyes, the ‘attic’ two-tiered echinus, the omphalos-like disk on the front of the ‘spandrel’ and the leaf patterns on the cushion. The almost eclectic use of features from different regions of the Ancient World makes dating difficult. An origin in the later sixth century BC seems probable. It would appear to be a votive capital that perhaps bore the plinth of a votive sculpture.
Title: A small votive capital from Kythera
The fragment of a marble volute found near Palaiopolis was at first identified as part of a capital, and later interpreted as an altar akroterion.
By measuring, drawing and analysing the details of the fragment, it has become clear that it must be reconstructed as a capital.
Its size is determined by the axes of the ornamental leaves of the cushion and the diameter of the echinus, which lead to 2 alternatives (FIG.
The capital as such is unusual with its flat volutes with large rosette eyes, the ‘attic’ two-tiered echinus, the omphalos-like disk on the front of the ‘spandrel’ and the leaf patterns on the cushion.
The almost eclectic use of features from different regions of the Ancient World makes dating difficult.
An origin in the later sixth century BC seems probable.
It would appear to be a votive capital that perhaps bore the plinth of a votive sculpture.
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