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Een manuscript van Jan van Mieris, met daarin gedichten over zijn vader Frans van Mieris I

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AbstractThe Dutch painter Jan van Mieris (Leiden 1660-Rome 1690) was twenty years old when his father, the famous painter Frans van Mieris the Elder (1635-1681) died. Jan van Mieris was not only a painter but also a poet; he translated the play Aminta by the Italian poet Torquato Tasso and wrote some poems. Three of these poems concern his father: one is about his fathers painting The old lover and in two other poems Jan mourns his father's death. These poems and the translation of the play, discussed in this article, are part of a manuscript kept in the University Library in Leiden (nr. LTK 522).
Title: Een manuscript van Jan van Mieris, met daarin gedichten over zijn vader Frans van Mieris I
AbstractThe Dutch painter Jan van Mieris (Leiden 1660-Rome 1690) was twenty years old when his father, the famous painter Frans van Mieris the Elder (1635-1681) died.
Jan van Mieris was not only a painter but also a poet; he translated the play Aminta by the Italian poet Torquato Tasso and wrote some poems.
Three of these poems concern his father: one is about his fathers painting The old lover and in two other poems Jan mourns his father's death.
These poems and the translation of the play, discussed in this article, are part of a manuscript kept in the University Library in Leiden (nr.
LTK 522).

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