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The edusemiotics of Tarot: Recovering the lost feminine

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AbstractThe term edusemiotics indicates a novel interdisciplinary field of inquiry at the intersection of educational philosophy, learning theory, and a science of signs. The article explores the semiotics of Tarot images as a mode of informal learning from experiences that are symbolically represented in the language of images as a feminine mode of expression. As embedded in the dynamics of semiosis, the process of reading and interpreting Tarot signs establishes a connection between self and other, subject and object, matter and mind, thus overcoming Cartesian dualism in practice. The implications are profound as Tarot edusemiotics contributes to our moral and intellectual growth.
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Title: The edusemiotics of Tarot: Recovering the lost feminine
AbstractThe term edusemiotics indicates a novel interdisciplinary field of inquiry at the intersection of educational philosophy, learning theory, and a science of signs.
The article explores the semiotics of Tarot images as a mode of informal learning from experiences that are symbolically represented in the language of images as a feminine mode of expression.
As embedded in the dynamics of semiosis, the process of reading and interpreting Tarot signs establishes a connection between self and other, subject and object, matter and mind, thus overcoming Cartesian dualism in practice.
The implications are profound as Tarot edusemiotics contributes to our moral and intellectual growth.

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