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Anita Loos Rediscovered: Film Treatments and Fiction, Cari Beauchamp and Mary Anita Loos (eds) (2003)
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Review of: Anita Loos Rediscovered: Film Treatments and Fiction, Cari Beauchamp and Mary Anita Loos (eds) (2003)
Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press, 322 pp.,
ISBN 978-05-20228-94-8, h/bk, $32.65
Title: Anita Loos Rediscovered: Film Treatments and Fiction, Cari Beauchamp and Mary Anita Loos (eds) (2003)
Review of: Anita Loos Rediscovered: Film Treatments and Fiction, Cari Beauchamp and Mary Anita Loos (eds) (2003)
Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press, 322 pp.
ISBN 978-05-20228-94-8, h/bk, $32.
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