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Mapping Austronesian Legends and Trails of Central Taiwan at Sun Moon Lake
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The ‘group relocation’ policy imposed during the Japanese colonial period in Taiwan is arguably one of the most notorious policies to be imposed upon indigenes. As a result of this project, almost half of Taiwanese indigenes were resettled from the high mountain areas to the lowlands. Relocated populations needed to adjust themselves to new circumstances, and relocation became a traumatic memory for many. What is interesting is that relocating villages is not, historically, an uncommon occurrence for most Taiwanese indigenous groups. This suggests that ‘relocating villages’, in and of itself, might not be overly problematic for indigenous populations. Why then did the Japanese relocation policy come to be regarded as such a traumatic event? In this paper, I will present a sketch of how the Japanese relocation policy became regarded as such a traumatic event for many indigenous groups, and explore the reason the Thao people, living by Sun Moon Lake of central Taiwan, had a very different experience of relocation. Moreover, I also describe the relationship between the mapping project of Traditional Territories of Indigenous Peoples that began in 2002 and the collection of oral histories of indigenous relocation.
Edinburgh University Press
Title: Mapping Austronesian Legends and Trails of Central Taiwan at Sun Moon Lake
The ‘group relocation’ policy imposed during the Japanese colonial period in Taiwan is arguably one of the most notorious policies to be imposed upon indigenes.
As a result of this project, almost half of Taiwanese indigenes were resettled from the high mountain areas to the lowlands.
Relocated populations needed to adjust themselves to new circumstances, and relocation became a traumatic memory for many.
What is interesting is that relocating villages is not, historically, an uncommon occurrence for most Taiwanese indigenous groups.
This suggests that ‘relocating villages’, in and of itself, might not be overly problematic for indigenous populations.
Why then did the Japanese relocation policy come to be regarded as such a traumatic event? In this paper, I will present a sketch of how the Japanese relocation policy became regarded as such a traumatic event for many indigenous groups, and explore the reason the Thao people, living by Sun Moon Lake of central Taiwan, had a very different experience of relocation.
Moreover, I also describe the relationship between the mapping project of Traditional Territories of Indigenous Peoples that began in 2002 and the collection of oral histories of indigenous relocation.
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