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Development of the trainer program based on neural network technologies for development of spatial thinking of students
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Introduction. For the last thirty years, UNESCO has been repeatedly raising questions of accessibility and quality of education for every child, teen, and adult by implementing the “Education for All” program. The new concept of education proposed by UNESCO aims at transforming people’s lives and formulates the following sustainable development goal “To provide inclusive and equitable quality education and create lifelong learning opportunities for all. One strategy for achieving this goal is to use and develop information and communication technology (ICT) to strengthen education systems, knowledge dissemination, access to information, and quality and effective learning. The aim of the work is to increase the efficiency of students’ learning of geometrical and graphic disciplines by developing a pilot electronic course in LMS Moodle and special software implementing elements of individualization of the learning process. Materials and methods. Theoretical research methods included generalization of scientific and pedagogical literature on formation of spatial thinking. Empirical research methods included testing, interviewing, and questioning using Google forms. Mathematical methods of research included algorithmizing and programming. Python 3.9 language and PyCharm development environment were used for writing the trainer program. The OpenCV, Matplotlib and Keras libraries, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Visio and CAD Compass-3D were used to create methodological materials Results. The software simulator for developing spatial thinking of engineering students studying “Descriptive Geometry” discipline has been developed in three versions. Conclusion. The ideas about the level of spatial thinking of modern students are supplemented. The original programs for the implementation of the elements of individualization of the educational process in the discipline of “Descriptive geometry” and algorithms of its work were developed and introduced into the scientific turnover, as well as the proposed pedagogical conditions of their use. Practical significance lies in the creation of learning and teaching methods and program basic elements for the use of end-to-end digital technology in the learning process.
Scientific and Educational Initiative
Title: Development of the trainer program based on neural network technologies for development of spatial thinking of students
For the last thirty years, UNESCO has been repeatedly raising questions of accessibility and quality of education for every child, teen, and adult by implementing the “Education for All” program.
The new concept of education proposed by UNESCO aims at transforming people’s lives and formulates the following sustainable development goal “To provide inclusive and equitable quality education and create lifelong learning opportunities for all.
One strategy for achieving this goal is to use and develop information and communication technology (ICT) to strengthen education systems, knowledge dissemination, access to information, and quality and effective learning.
The aim of the work is to increase the efficiency of students’ learning of geometrical and graphic disciplines by developing a pilot electronic course in LMS Moodle and special software implementing elements of individualization of the learning process.
Materials and methods.
Theoretical research methods included generalization of scientific and pedagogical literature on formation of spatial thinking.
Empirical research methods included testing, interviewing, and questioning using Google forms.
Mathematical methods of research included algorithmizing and programming.
Python 3.
9 language and PyCharm development environment were used for writing the trainer program.
The OpenCV, Matplotlib and Keras libraries, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Visio and CAD Compass-3D were used to create methodological materials Results.
The software simulator for developing spatial thinking of engineering students studying “Descriptive Geometry” discipline has been developed in three versions.
The ideas about the level of spatial thinking of modern students are supplemented.
The original programs for the implementation of the elements of individualization of the educational process in the discipline of “Descriptive geometry” and algorithms of its work were developed and introduced into the scientific turnover, as well as the proposed pedagogical conditions of their use.
Practical significance lies in the creation of learning and teaching methods and program basic elements for the use of end-to-end digital technology in the learning process.
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