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A new Carian inscription on the left leg of a kouros found south of the Temple of Zeus Lepsynos in Euromos

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Abstract This article examines and discusses a new Carian inscription found on the left leg of a kouros statue. The statue was found in the Temple of Zeus Lepsynos in the ancient Carian city of Euromos during excavations carried out in 2021. The four-line inscription is very difficult to interpret, but nonetheless constitutes a highly relevant contribution to our knowledge of the evolution of the Carian alphabet.
Title: A new Carian inscription on the left leg of a kouros found south of the Temple of Zeus Lepsynos in Euromos
Abstract This article examines and discusses a new Carian inscription found on the left leg of a kouros statue.
The statue was found in the Temple of Zeus Lepsynos in the ancient Carian city of Euromos during excavations carried out in 2021.
The four-line inscription is very difficult to interpret, but nonetheless constitutes a highly relevant contribution to our knowledge of the evolution of the Carian alphabet.

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